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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Speed of rotation of the Earth (our Natural Spacecraft)

Approximate values just to show comparison:

Average walking speed --- 3 mph

Average running speed --- 10 mph

Typical speed of car in highway --- 70 mph

Top speed of cheetah, the fastest land animal on Earth --- 70 mph

Wind speed of a strong tornado --- 300 mph

Speed of commercial airplane --- 500 mph

Speed of sound in air --- 750 mph

Speed of earth's rotation in its axis --- 1000 mph

Escape velocity from the Earth --- 25,000 mph

Escape velocity from Earth of a NASA spacecraft  --- 36,000 mph

Speed of earth's revolution around the sun --- 67,000 mph

Speed of light --- 670,000,000 mph

So, just by sitting on your couch watching TV, smiling, laughing......perhaps most of us, without even realizing, we are RIDING IN A "SPACECRAFT" (which is the Earth, a natural "spacecraft"), spinning twice faster than the speed of a commercial airplane, rotating around its axis at speeds greater than the speed of sound, and revolving around the sun at speeds about twice the escape velocity of a NASA spacecraft.

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